Sunday, July 31, 2011



[SCENE: U.S. House of Reps.]

“Lean on that mop,” says Boehner

to smiling Cantor, lugging a bucket

of fresh congressional blood he

accidentally spills; Cantor grins.

Boehner barks: “Get another mop.”

What’s left of The House looks like

an OR after a lawyers’ bar-fight.

(31 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Original Art (where I live)

A few years ago, the Santa Clara Public Library circulated a collection of framed prints. When they finally decided to discontinue the print project, they auctioned them off. I got an original lithograph (184/275) of 18 tall thin trees beside a pond after a rainfall by Roberto Righi (1942-, Rome), who (like Gauguin) abandoned finance (in Righi's case, accountancy) for fine art. Here at Valley Village's Bldg. 4, the administration has put up a half-dozen prints in the building-length corridor on the 4th floor where I live; I've put up 2 more of my own a few feet from my apt. door: Righi's lithograph, and an undated watercolor of the thistle Echinops Ritro by Barbara Russell (who I know nothing about.)

Friday, July 29, 2011


It will finally come down
to everyone buying everything
online from If you
don’t have a computer, just
use the one in the library trailer.
Be sure to carry lots of quarters.

(29 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

Thursday, July 28, 2011



Every day there’s some bad news:

The government might be running out of money.
People are losing their jobs.

Everything seems to cost more:
Your rent goes up, gas goes up.

The banks have cut down
on the interest they give you
that you used to rely on
to take a vacation, do things.

It seems like every day there’s something
to be overwhelmed by, worried about.

I want my sanity back in my life.

(28 JUL 11, Santa Clara)

~ Ginny Zeitman

Valley Village 12D
390 N. Winchester Blvd
Santa Clara CA 95050
(408) 296-0200

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rubber vs Glass

“Look at it this way…”

says the macrorisk analyst:

“Our Debt Ceiling’s rubber,

Our Credit Rating’s glass.

We can cushion ourselves

by printing more money;

but how we look to the IMF

is one thing, debtors, another.

We definitely aren’t

Going Out of Business

no matter what we do.

Neither is Red China.”

(27 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


“With no heart & no brain,

you will now run faster…”

Norquist hypnotizes

his zombies eviscerating

the ex-Republican Party:

“Only my will animates you!”


(26 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v3

on The New Verse News
Thurs. 28 JUL 11

Sunday, July 24, 2011



Boehner sends himself

to the showers in the 7th,

due back in the 8th

with the same Big Deal,

faking it’s his, not Obama’s.

Each side knows where

it comes from counts more

in an election year when

the ball’s still the ball

& the buck's the buck.

(24 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Reggie, Ravel

Reggie watches me exercising

in my glider-chair, wondering: Why?

I stand up w/out using the arm-rests,

walk to the keyboard, write & edit this,

breathing deeply as Ravel’s piano

swells behind me on TV.

What could be easier? Doing nothing.

Reggie curls up nearby on my desk,

closing his eyes. Ravel ends, begins again.

(23 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA) v3

Saturday, July 16, 2011



Obama flexes his

soft verbal nerf bat,

Boehner polishes his

dented aluminum bat,

Cantor shoulders his

Adirondack ash bat

& walks. The crowd

groans in the stands.

Who's willing to kick

the can down the road?

The Gang of 6 swings wide.

(16 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v5
on The New Verse News
Thurs. 21 JUL 11

Friday, July 15, 2011


Riffling thru my massive copy

of the COMPLETE cookbook

(Murdoch Books, Sydney NSW

1045, AUSTRALIA, 2002, 600pp)

I hit 2 recipes for what’s cooking

in the international newsmedia:

Spicy Chicken Tarts (p 195)

Family Chicken Pie (p 213)

but no Beef UnWellington.

(15 JULY 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

Friday, July 8, 2011


This morning I passed on

early outdoor-walking

for yoga in my glider-chair,

right arm rising to the ceiling.

until I breathed aerobically.

(08 JUL 11, 08:07PDT, Santa Clara CA)v4

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I measure of my degree of dementia
by whether I can remember the 3rd word
in mild cognitive impairment. Can you?

(07 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ON THE 4th: Cupertino CA

ON THE 4th

in Cupertino CA

They’re mesmerized. Even the brightest
stare at the fireworks exploding above

a suburban high school athletic field.
My hand smooths the tablecloth,

undistracted by the sensationalism
of my cuppa ginger infusion.

(04 JUL 11, Santa Clara CA)v4