Sunday, August 29, 2010



Glenn Beck soon sours us
by sorcering milk chocolate
into vanilla milk before our eyes
as we watch him appealing on
solid, sobering ground

like a big white-chocolate bar,
melting in D.C’s. noonday sun.
Beck milkily prays ”Be Good”
before God above & Mammon
below, boldly worshipping both

by pitching to anyone milked
of their savings, security, capital
by fronts for good old Mammon,
whispering The Prayer of Jabez
illusing Hebrew biblicality. Beck

plays nice, falsely good, fronting
for Mammon, mammonistically.

(29 AUG 10, Santa Clara CA)v5

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Dr.Ginny drives Dave’s Lucky aka Puss
down the San Tomas Expressway at dusk
to the all-nite animal emergency room

to be whisked away in his grey Pet Taxi
for immediate examination. An hour later,
after a dark dying cat cries out in fear,

we get the e$timate for Lucky’s urinary
blockage: slushy kidney sand, treatable
orally (by a new diet & special meds),
catherization (by dog-length catheter),
& (maybe) an operation. Lucky’ll live.

Leaving, I console a weeping woman &
the dying cat’s weeping owner by telling
how our 14-yr-old litter-brothers died:

Jeeves by quick injection, -ory observed
overnight; Carolin in hospital 4 yrs ago.
Everybody tears up in commiseration.

(28 AUG 10, Santa Clara CA)v4

Friday, August 27, 2010



3-balled Beck parodies Dr. King
negatively in studied contempt,
a whiteman in a naturally-grey
near-bald-cut affecting Nazismo,

determined to dramatically
rupture religion’s commitment
to social activism from what
it was in the Hebrew Bible.

No Jew he, Beck prances nazily
proud of the figure he’s cutting
curl by greying curl, leaving
only bald refusal & denial.

Who calls his bluff? I just did.
You can call 888-727-BECK

(27 AUG 10, Santa Clara CA)v4

Thursday, August 26, 2010


{for The Boomers}

MOZART wrote an opera/month,

a symphony/week;

BEETHOVEN wrote 1 opera,

9 symphonies;

SCHUBERT wrote 1 opera,

9 symphonies;

WAGNER wrote 1 symphony,

endless operas;

everybody came, fell asleep,

nobody stayed.

(25 AUG 10, Santa Clara CA)v8

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It's fascinating how, with the government's current dietetic emphasis on bright/dark fruit, simple blueberries have become (relatively cheap) little healthballs.

I remember 2 distinct types of blueberries: small, indigo, sour (in coastal eastern MA; homey); large, paleblue, sweet (from coastal eastern ME; commercial), appropriately enuf. [2 flashbacks:]

1. My Glaswegian Scottish father (in West Lynn MA) used to insist we pick high-bush sour indigo blueberries on the cut under the electric power lines in bordering Lynnfield MA, or sometimes up on Bald Pate in distant Georgetown MA (25 mi away). Some were eaten out of hand while picking them; the rest were taken home in large #10 cans to be loaded into pancakes, since we'd be drowning them in sweet maple syrup at breakfast anyway.

2. My Belarusian Polish-speaking grandmother (in bordering Salem MA) always served me the sweet big paleblue blueberries for Summer Sat. breakfasts with Kellog's Corn Soya in the late '40s. How I miss those paleblue, crunchy gold & cold white bowlfuls!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dick CHENEY's Blog?

Recently, on “30 Rock” (NBC-TV)
Alec Baldwin (as Jack Donaghy)
huskily bitched that he has to get all
of his news from Dick CHENEY’S blog (e.g.)
because of “those pinko networks."

(20 AUG 10, Santa Clara CA)v2

Friday, August 13, 2010


We live in a transitional era,

fears dwarfing hopes, doubts, both.

Of child prodigy painters, middle-aged

mid-listers, distressing older novelists,

only musicians make any progress.

Poets (like me) do our damnedest:

if the planet lasts, we’ll ask: Why?

(13 AUG 10, Santa Clara CA)v1