Tuesday, August 30, 2011
On Class & Wealth
Generally, Americans don't want to admit that social-class position rules this society like any other; & so a great many Americans prefer to imagine they're 'middle-class' - a presumption that's now being relentlessly eroded.
Once Americans realize how & by whom, they should have an overdue re-awakening; but what they'll do about it (post FDR vs Reagan, Clinton vs Obama) remains to be seen. Meanwhile:
Many think Social Security & Medicare are the 3rd-rail. The Tea Party thinks it's levying totally unnecessary Taxes.
It's much more than that. It's also about the disparity of 'wealth' & where that puts each of us as members of a spectrum/hierarchy of classes (fiscal, material, occupational, technical, etc. )
Speaking of 'wealth', how many people admire Warren Buffet? Bill Gates? Because of what they do with their wealth? To & for...whom?
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Where CHENEY Hid
admits he hid [in a bunker]
under his DC home "behind
a massive steel door secured
by an elaborate lock, w/a
narrow connecting hallway
lined with shelves filled w/
communications equipment,"
& @ Camp David, Maryland
& wayback home in Wyoming
Sunday, August 21, 2011
When you think of it
(if you do think of it),
money's relative:
tiny amounts of money
prime the dry sumps
of crushing poverty;
obscene money creates
overwhelming disparity.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Current Chinese academic research reveals:
Chinese companies have a genetic disposition
affecting their financial performance; although
generally, genetics affects only 25% of one’s
financial decisions, by buying Chinese you
increase that percentage & by contracting
with Chinese manufacturers, you participate
in Chinese finance. Chinese genes add value.
(17 AUG 11, Santa Clara CA)v3
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tea Party trumpets
The Tea Party trumpets
from delusional peaks:
The rich & tax-free
deserve H-2B!
(15 AUG 11, Santa Clara CA)112
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Where belief (in something) is required; religion may not be.
You can now be a capitalist even in Communist China, but you cannot promote Falun Gong (a 'traditional' religion which is severley outlawed for irs fallacious science) which means that in Communist China political belief is separated from economic belief & religious belief.
In western capitalist countries, spiritual religion may be a matter of personal option, but capitalism is nonetheless the reigning state economic religion. Capitalism can be severe (notoriously so in empires' colonies) & is becoming increasingly so in these times of economic distress which I call The Time of Resolve, whose 3 Cruel Rules
Only the least expensive get paid.
Only the most efficient survive.
Only the most productive prevail.
apply in this case in the present world crisis and might be more severely applied under The Tea Party. Does this make the Tea Party religious? Economically yes, but not religiously as normally understood. The vulgarly assertive use of 'religiously' to mean absolutely or stringently is a corruption of the term. If those 3 rules seem acceptable to you, you are definitely not a Christian, no matter what you claim.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
In the coming Time of Resolve
cruel rules will run the world:
Only the least expensive get paid.
Only the most efficient survive.
Only the most productive prevail.
Cruel rules permit some to survive
a starkly inhumane world.
We will not be asked to believe;
we will only be told to behave.
(11 AUG 11, Santa Clara CA)v5
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
ignorant newsreaders
Ignorant newsreading TV anchors
act astonished that The Market
can fall, & then rise, & then fall
as tho they’d never seen it do it
throughout every media-day.
They imagine The Market’s
gross numbers constitute
a colossal bank account,
not a fluctuating lottery,
junk bonds only as real as their
derivatives' underlying assets.
(10 AUG 11, Santa Clara CA)v4
TV programs
Note on ME & TV programs
Here are the TV shows I’ve been an avid viewer of.
While living (1979-2003) in relatively wealthy ivy-league college town Wellesley MA, 2010 pop. 27,982, “Northern Exposure” delighted me. Its small Cicely AK somehow felt like Wellesley where I was media-active (regional & town newspapers, college radio, cable TV, civic-symphony, one-off opera, 20 yr anti-war vigil).
“The Gilmore Girls” set in a small CT town 10 mi from Hartford, due mostly to its fast dialog : “Talk fast. Life is short.” which Carolin probably saw appealing to me because I have 5 planets in Gemini; obvious class-relations; Yale story-line.
Now that I live alone in Jesuit-college city Santa Clara CA, 2010 pop.116,468, I occasionally watch "House", Burt Wolf's "Travel & Traditions" (deft research), Food TV's "Simply Ming" (Tsai) who owns "Blue Ginger" restaurant in Wellesley Sq. (that I never went into when I lived there) & "America's (VT) Test Kitchens" (my daughter Maya & grandson Asha live in Putney.)
Monday, August 8, 2011
There’s a statue garden
in the eastern Chinese
coastal city of Qingdao
with 7 life-sized statues
of Chinese oceanographers.
There are no such statues
anywhere else in the world.
(Qindao faces Korea.)
08 AUG 11 ( Santa Clara CA)v3
AAA ratings
AAA ratings
The next time you need a AAA rating,
B advised that AAAnybody
can buy as many initial capital As
as they like in the Yellow Pages where
U can B as A as U sAy U R.
(08 AUG 11, Santa Clara CA)v2
on The New Verse News
Tues. 09 AUG 11
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Reggie on the run
In the Gazebo
We were reading our own books - Ginny, her own paperback of BEING HAPPY by Talden Ben-Shar, I, a damaged library discard of THE KING OF MADISON AVENUE - David Ogilvy and the making of Modern Advertizing, by Kenneth Roman, former chairman & CEO of Ogilvy & Mather. Reading about Ogilvy cast me into a false present, actually the past, indistinguishable from our present, because great modern advertizing (cf. Apple's "Big Brother") achieves quasi-eternality if the original product disappears and only the ad remains. Ginny read encouraging quotes to me from her book about 'failure' not being what it's alleged. (It's really more like a necessary rehearsal.)
A friendly grounds-keeper told us the whistling birdcall we could hear above us was a mother hawk teaching her fledgling to fly; down here, below her, a defiant battered skinhead played dominoes with an admiring friend at a cement table, as he had the last time we were there. A light breeze cooled us.