Friday, April 29, 2011


Other than never saying The Donald's last name,
I think I'll just have difficulty in pronouncing it:


Or just mumble it:


It's that terminal p that throws me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Losing Weight

@ my current weight (300+ lbs)

my cardiologist gives me 10 yrs.

to live, projecting death by 79.

My GP says he can keep me alive

until I’m 90, but can’t guarantee

‘Quality of Life” Both want me

to lose 1-2lbs a month, walking

aerobically about 45min. a day.

That & more, caddying reduced

me from a fat 13 to a trim 17;

50+ years later, what will @ 68?

(25 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v1

Celebrating Easter

Celebrating Easter

Celebrating Easter resolves the conundrum

“Can Life defeat Death?” with resurrection.

Which of us wouldn’t rejoice at knowing

it was & will be done again? wouldn’t

want our beloved resurrected? Our joy

in knowing they will be makes the rest

of our lives all the more bearable; I’m

looking forward to seeing carolin again;

I expect she wants to see me coming.

(05 MAR 11)v2

written @ Karl Kadie's invitation for
St. Mark's [Episcopal], Santa Clara CA:
"Our Easter Journey:
A Gift of the People of St, Mark's"
(Easter 2011 meditation calendar}

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bad Teachers' Rubber Room

Tonite a guy who'd been watching "CNN or FOX, I don't know which..." told our weekly sr. cit. adult-ed class there was a 'rubber room' in NYC where K-12 teachers who'd failed to get tenure just killed time & collected their pay, thanks to their union. It took the whole class, with the intervention of the community college VP who conducts it to disentangle union from tenure in this guy's mind, but he finally got it as the class ended. Here's the New Yorker version of what he saw.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


for Bob Chute

Bob eats Wymans’ truly
authentic ME blueberries,
not knowing how trendy
they've suddenly become,

blended w/ pomegranate
as a ‘dark fruit’quietly
lurking in the Juice aisle;
flash-frozen in plastic bags.

Thoreau’d {B} bemused.

(12 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v5

Thursday, April 14, 2011


In fa$cinatin' Randian-rhythm,
his bright blue-eye$ blinking,

Paul Ryan (R-WI ) tap-dance$
like a Hollywood hoofer,

while Ayn Rand* clap$, de-
lit by his $ong & dance.

Rand doe$ a $tar-turn;
Ryan recognize$ her:
"Thi$ i$ your $how!
$tand up, Ayn!"

(13 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v6 *Ryan was outed today as an Ayn Randian by Jonathan Chait, Sr. Ed. New Republic, in NEWSWEEK 13 APR 2011 pp 6-7: [Connecting the Dots] "War on the Weak" How the GOP came to view the poor as parasites and the rich as our rightful rulers

Sunday, April 10, 2011



Libyan conceits

Paid mercenaries play cards.

People risking death play spades.

People seeking freedom play hearts.

Troops suppressing freedom play clubs.

(The Colonel’s already got the diamonds.)

The suffering People play backgammon.

(10 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

Friday, April 8, 2011


[Congres$$ion@l Parable]

Scene: 2 guys go to the bowling alley.

One brings along 3 balls drilled precisely to spec.

tOther brings none, assuming one can be rented..

One brings shoes, tOther rents a pair that almost fits,

complaining about rental price.

Attendant: “...pays for disinfection..."

Playing uncomfortably a while,
they wonder: Why?

One: "It’s the shoes!"

tOther: "It’s the balls!, it’s the pizza!, it’s the Pepsi!"

Not the pin-boy.

There isn't any.

It’s all automated.

One: "It's our sweat."

tOther: “What sweat? this place is fully air-conditioned.” (with a dry-cleaner's.)

One: "Must be the cable-TV."

tOther: "What cable-TV? It's all DVDs."

Which one's the Tea-Partier?

(T-Pers haven’t arrived yet, come severally, own the alley, & win no matter what.)

(08 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v12

Thursday, April 7, 2011


2 highwirists

reach mid-point,

expecting the other

2 jump as they

silently glare in2

each other’s eyes,

waiting for midnite’s

stroke: the moment

of political risk.

Suddenly an odor

envelops them.

Neither can stand it;

screaming: “You,

You shitb@g! You!”

Everyone holds

their last breath;

those below brace

themselves for a

shitty splatter,

wishing they’d

come bareass.


(07 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v3

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Icelandic Poppies

Yesterday, Ginny bought
3 big potted Icelandic poppies
at a bargain price (USD$4.50/ea.);

white, yellow, & orange, willowly
bridging calla lillies & kalanchoes,
wobbling in the light wind.

We're told they'll survive the hot sun
that burnt their yellow predecessors.
Just how long do annuals last?

We won't eat them. (Norwegians,
in the benevolent Gulf Stream,
eat marigolds raw, & cooked.)

(05 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v5

Celebrating Easter

Celebrating Easter resolves the conundrum

“Can Life defeat Death?” with resurrection.

Which of us wouldn’t rejoice at knowing

it was & will be done again? wouldn’t

want our beloved resurrected? Our joy

in knowing they will be makes the rest

of our lives all the more bearable; I’m

looking forward to seeing carolin again;

I expect she wants to see me coming.

(06 MAR 11, Santa Clara CA)v3

Monday, April 4, 2011

Something's Blooming

Something Blooming's

for Ginny

Something blooming's crept up
& penetrated Ginny's garage;

each day she remarks on it;

I noticed it from the inside
weeks ago, but didn't prune it;

from the outside it looks like
a floral-spill or -pillow. Ah,

(da capo)

(04 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v2

On Adequacy

Adequacy. In Adequacy,
something's discovered
that wasn't appreciated.

Measure by Adequacy
frightens some, others
feel greatly relieved. It's

all a matter of content.
Contentment's quite
another matter.

(04 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v1

Friday, April 1, 2011

Making @ burrito

Rolling drippy, crunchy
Valencia peanut-butter up
into a 12” flour-burrito,

I devour it, make myself
another & devour it too,
but drink nothing with it;
have I finally almost

gone NorCalifornian?
I may as well have: I
like what I’m doing.

I’m thinking of
making another,
but maybe I won’t,
but maybe I will.


(01 APR 11, Santa Clara CA)v2