Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Poet bre@ks f@st

for Ruth

As a poet, physical memory

awakens in me after taking

my pills: I still need the flaky,

sensual, crunchy, & realize

even a poet can enjoy eating

breakfast: so I fill a yellow

Tupperware bowl with flakes

of raisin bran & pour chocolate

soy-milk over them, spooning*

(30 MAR 11, Santa Clara CA)v4 .

PS * as an action-poem, it ends mid-spoonful, stuffing my mouth, unable to speak understandably

1 comment:

FionnFile said...

The P*et Bre@ks (his) W1nd

inaction poem

He smiles—

high-fiber flakes, says Dr. Oz

will do him good, perhaps will cleanse

his arteries, which thru the lens

look bleak: but then the claws

of CH4 take in their grip

the fest’ring bowel—appalled, he gasps

as deep inside the rumbling rasps,

distends the cheeks with awesome rip

--he sighs.