Why Jonathan Franzen?
Well, in my case, serendipity, size, slip-cover art, etc.
Months ago: I found two hardbound copies of FREEDOM: A Novel
(Farrar, Straus Giroux, NYC. 2010) donated to the Santa Clara Senior Center,
& its cover so intrigued me that I took both home. It’s that (Minnesota)
lake; blue-jay on the cover;
heft (562pp), that make me wonder if he’s got something going inside.
Well, he has, but for me it drags; I’ve lost interest at various points;
just put it aside, notifying others on The Well in the Books Franzen discussion group that I have. None of them have
commented on that (yet.)
Today: I’m reading "Voice of Moderation" a review by Craig Fehrman in
the Sunday 30 APR 12 SF Chron. that begins: “Jonathan Franzen’s novels keep getting bigger and bigger. In 2010, FREEDOM did it again, - and added a TIME cover for its author
and a thumbs-up from the president."Exactly my point. Such is the mainstream literary company I
appear to be keeping at the moment. A BIG read by BIG
names. Maybe a beach-book once it’s in a BIG paperback