Saturday, April 21, 2012


Will the Silicon Valley poets

of the distant future speak

of the fruits that grew, grow

here: apricots, grapefruit, lemons,

nectarines, oranges, peaches?

Or will commerce envelop

them in entrepreneurism,

as technical adventures

thrill their stirring minds?

Will this poem be techno-

retrograde, or reactionary?

Will they mention my wife

Carolin’s ashes in the garden

of St. Mark’s, Santa Clara?

 (21 APR 12, Santa Clara CA)v3

asleep somewhere 
under a blanket of leaves
but not forgotten

© 2012 Sandy Vrooman

Stirring the earth,

deep in her sunny plot, until

apricots, grapefruit, lemons,

nectarines, oranges, peaches

bloom & burst with new Word,

new fruit, delicate, divine.

- Julia Ball

(23 APR 12 Palo Alto CA)

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